Exploring Corns and Their Appearance

Nov 7, 2023

Understanding Corns

If you're wondering what does a corn look like, you've come to the right place. At PS Foot Clinic, our team of experts is well-versed in identifying and treating various foot conditions, including corns.

Corns are thickened areas of skin that typically develop due to repeated pressure or friction on specific areas of the foot. They often appear as small, rounded areas with a hardened, raised center. They can range in color from yellowish to grey, and sometimes even brown or black.

It's important to note that corns can develop on different parts of the feet, including the toes, soles, or even between the toes. Although corns are not typically harmful, they can cause discomfort and pain if left untreated.

Identifying Corns

Now that we have a general idea of what corns look like, let's delve into the specific characteristics that can help you identify them.

Shape and Texture

Corns often have a distinctive shape and texture. They may have a central core, known as the "nucleus," which is surrounded by thickened and hardened skin. This hardened area may feel rough to the touch and can be easily distinguished from the surrounding healthy skin.


The color of a corn can vary depending on its location and age. They are commonly yellowish in appearance, but they can also be grey, brown, or even black. The color is influenced by factors such as pressure, friction, and the accumulation of dead skin cells.


Corns can develop on various parts of the feet, but they are commonly found on weight-bearing areas such as the tops or sides of the toes, the soles, and areas where shoes may rub or press against the skin. They can also form between the toes if there's excessive moisture or friction in that area.

Prevention and Treatment

At PS Foot Clinic, we place great emphasis on prevention and effective treatment of corns. Our team of professionals specializing in hair salons, beauty & spas, and skin care can provide you with expert advice and solutions to address corns.

Prevention Tips

1. Ensure proper footwear: Wearing well-fitting shoes with sufficient padding and support can help prevent corns.

2. Manage moisture: Keep your feet dry to minimize the risk of corns forming between the toes.

3. Use protective padding: Cushioning corn-prone areas with protective padding can reduce pressure and friction that lead to corn development.

4. Regular inspection: Regularly examine your feet for any signs of corns or other foot issues to address them promptly.

Treatment Options

We provide a range of effective treatment options for corns, tailored to your specific needs. Some of the common treatments include:

1. Conservative Measures

Trimming or debriding the corn: This involves carefully removing the hardened skin to relieve discomfort.

2. Custom Orthotics

We offer customized orthotic inserts that can help redistribute pressure on the feet, alleviating pain caused by corns and preventing their recurrence.

3. Footwear Recommendations

Our experts can provide recommendations on proper footwear, taking into account your lifestyle, foot structure, and any underlying conditions, to minimize the risk of corns.

4. Surgical Options

In extreme cases where conservative measures are not effective, our highly skilled podiatrists can explore surgical options. However, this is usually considered a last resort when all other treatments have been exhausted.


Understanding the appearance of corns is essential for both prevention and effective treatment. Now equipped with knowledge about what corns look like, you can take the necessary steps to address them or seek professional assistance.

At PS Foot Clinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive care in hair salons, beauty & spas, and skin care. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you maintain healthy feet and address any foot conditions you may encounter. Don't let corns hinder your daily activities; seek the support of our professionals today!